Sunday, October 23, 2011

A good holiday read

If you are looking for an interesting read the "And Now The Shipping Forecast" by Peter Jefferson will appeal to a whole cross section of people, particularly those with an interest in activities on the sea.
The soothing familiarity of the Shipping Forecast has been broadcast 4 times on day on BBC Radio 4 since 22nd November 1978, prior to that it was on Radio 2.
The structure of the broadcast remains the same, despite the weather conditions which exist at the time the broadcast is limited to 350 words, this because the time slot allocated to the forecast remains the same.  Gale warnings, area forecasts and reports from coastal stations all blend into a broadcast which is almost poetic in its delivery.
This books contains so much of interest to us as sea kayakers it can't fail to entertain and educate. 

On the subject of reading material many thanks to all of you who have purchased my two books "The A to Z of Sea Kayaking" and "The Channel Islands: A Sea Kayaking Guide" which are still available for the Kindle and other devices.

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