Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kayak Sculpture

I came across this "interesting" sculpture whilst in Oslo for a Leonard Cohen concert.  I can't imagine the authorities at Jersey Harbours, placing an item of sculpture depicting kayaking, in St Helier harbour.  Nice to see that Art and kayaking can co-exist happily in a public place.

As many regular readers might remember in September 2011 I had the site hacked into, by somebody living in France, who proceeded to delete everything that I had produced since 2005 when I launched the blog.  I managed to recover a number of the postings but lost nearly 5 years work. 
What I am going to do, is bit by bit, try and put a number of those posts back on the site over the next few weeks if possible, mainly because in those 5 missing years we went to some pretty interesting places.

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